Darcy Pearson
Women’s House Director

Darcy finds her greatest joy and passion in seeing lives transformed by the power of the gospel. After an unwanted life reversal in 2010, she knew the Lord was equipping and calling her into full-time ministry. A part of Canyon Hills Community Church since 2005, she is thrilled her home church is enthusiastically behind The Damascus House for Women’s ministry. Previously, Darcy served as a middle school and high school life group leader, loving and mentoring young girls. In 2016, she joined the biblical counseling team where she served faithfully using the sufficiency and inerrancy of God’s Word to disciple others. In 2021, she was hired as the director for the Damascus House for Women. The Damascus House is a grassroots endeavor. It has been one of the greatest challenges she has ever had, a life dream, and vision come true. Darcy holds a B.S. in Business Management and a M.A. in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, CA. She is also ACBC certified and a Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselor through The Addiction Connection. Darcy enjoys a good cup of coffee, spending time with her kids and grandkids, hiking, reading, cooking, container gardening, and watching movies.